You guys should predict the winners and play with me on
So for the ones I care about....
Best Picture
Will win: The Artist
I want to win: Midnight In Paris
Best Director
Will win: Terrence Malick for The Tree of Life
I want to win: Woody Allen for Midnight In Paris
Best Actor in Leading Role
Will win: George Clooney for The Descendants
I want to win: Gary Oldham for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Best Actress in Leading Role
Will win: Viola Davis for The Help or Meryl Streep for The Iron Lady
I want to win: Rooney Mara for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Best Original Screenplay
Will win: Midnight In Paris
I want to win: Midnight In Paris or Bridesmaids
Some overall thoughts on the nominations for this year:
- Wow, how did the fat girl that takes a dump in a sink in Bridesmaids get nominated?? I mean she was really funny, but that role is SUCH not a Oscars type of character.
- 50/50 SNUBBED.
- Very surprised Rooney Mara got nominated, but whatever happened to Charlize Theron? I thought she was definitely in. I haven't seen Young Adult yet but I still feel robbed.
- GO WOODY ALLEN. I want him to win everything even if I know he won't show up to receive his Oscars because he is far above commercial award ceremonies.
- Okay I will watch The Artist soon, but it better be good because I have extremely high expectations for it....All this academy hype!
So for the ones I care about....
Best Picture
Will win: The Artist
I want to win: Midnight In Paris
Best Director
Will win: Terrence Malick for The Tree of Life
I want to win: Woody Allen for Midnight In Paris
Best Actor in Leading Role
Will win: George Clooney for The Descendants
I want to win: Gary Oldham for Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Best Actress in Leading Role
Will win: Viola Davis for The Help or Meryl Streep for The Iron Lady
I want to win: Rooney Mara for The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Best Original Screenplay
Will win: Midnight In Paris
I want to win: Midnight In Paris or Bridesmaids
Some overall thoughts on the nominations for this year:
- Wow, how did the fat girl that takes a dump in a sink in Bridesmaids get nominated?? I mean she was really funny, but that role is SUCH not a Oscars type of character.
- 50/50 SNUBBED.
- Very surprised Rooney Mara got nominated, but whatever happened to Charlize Theron? I thought she was definitely in. I haven't seen Young Adult yet but I still feel robbed.
- GO WOODY ALLEN. I want him to win everything even if I know he won't show up to receive his Oscars because he is far above commercial award ceremonies.
- Okay I will watch The Artist soon, but it better be good because I have extremely high expectations for it....All this academy hype!